North Clacton Medical Group Patient Participation Group (PPG) – Description and Core Objectives

The PPG’s objective is to give patients the opportunity to make positive suggestions about the practice and be an advocate for patient preferences. It’s full set of core objectives are here.

The Executive

The Executive is a group of PPG members who have volunteered to work within an agreed Constitution and represent the views of the patients of the North Clacton Medical Group (NCMG).

The Executive will have a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Practice Liaison, and other members who may be co-opted for various roles.

Communications with Patients

The PPG holds open meetings quarterly and an Annual General Meeting, to which all
patients are invited. Additionally, the Executive holds its own quarterly meetings, and also meets quarterly with representative of the practice.

The next open meeting to which all patients are invited will be held at the Crusader Surgery on May 15 th at 7pm.

Minutes of the most recent meetings can be found here:

It should be remembered that not all suggestions are achievable, or even possible, as the Practice must adhere to regulations and guidelines.

The PPG also keeps in contact with patients using social media, Nextdoor and Facebook, and a via a Newsletter.

Join the PPG

All patients are invited to join the PPG and have their say on how they could help the PPG achieve their objectives. The PPG and its Executive strive to ensure that the PPG membership mirrors the patient community, although they know that they are not there yet.

If you are interested in joining please pop a note through the surgery leter box with your name and contact details, or click here to complete our online PPG Registration form. A member of the team will then contact you.


The Practice, NHS England and the PPG carry out periodic patient surveys to gather patient views and opinions. The latest are:

Contact the PPG

All patients are encouraged to contact the PPG if they have any thoughts or concerns. We can’t promise to give you the answer you want, but we will ensure that you are listened to.

Privacy and Data Protection

Please be assured that your contact details, email address etc. Are kept safe and secure and are never shared with anyone else. Any contact will be made by the Executive on behalf of the PPG.

No medical information is provided to the PPG nor will it be sought from the Practice.

No questions of a medical or other confidential nature will be responded to by the PPG or its executive.

Any information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules – the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – to make sure that this information is handled correctly.