Patient Participation Group Constitution
1. Name
The name of the group shall be North Clacton Medical Group Practice Patient Participation Group (NCMG PPG)
2. Objectives
The objectives of the group shall be to promote the benefit of the patients of the practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious, or other opinions or characteristics of individuals by encouraging development and quality o health promotion and health care services; to achieve this aim by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, health authorities and other persons or organisations concerned with health care.
The Group shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The group shall have power to affiliate to the Nation Association for Patient Participation and to other organisations with similar charitable objects. The Group shall always respect diversity and will be committed to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
3. NCMG PPG Membership
This shall be open to any patient of the Practice. Any patient may nominate themselves for election to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Removal of a patient from the practice list, for whatever reason, will disqualify continuing membership of the group.
4. The Committee and Executive
The group shall elect a maximum of eight committee members, who must be patients of the practice. Any patient can nominate themselves. At a meeting date to be agreed, the Committee shall appoint an Executive, consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Practice Liaison and, if needed, a Treasurer.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members from time to time, provided that the total number of co-opted members does not exceed one half of the total of elected members. Co-opted member who are patients of the practice shall have an equal vote on Committee with the elected members. Other co-opted members shall not have any vote.
All members of the Committee and Executive shall retire annually, but shall be eligible to be elected or co-opted again. Membership of the Committee shall be terminated immediately in the case of any person who ceases to be a patient of the practice.
5. Voting
Subject to clause 8, all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote thereat. No member shall exercise no more than one vote. In the case of equality of vote, the persona chairing the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
6. Minutes
Minutes shall be kept and the Secretary shall enter a record of all proceedings and resolutions.
7. Finance
All monies raised by or on behalf of the Group shall be applied to further the objects of the Group and for no other purpose. Should the group hold any monies, the treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Group. The accounts shall be audited once a year by an auditor appointed and remunerated by the Practice. An audited statement of accounts for the last financial year shall be submitted to the Committee to a General Meeting.
Any expenditure required by the NCMG PPG will be made by the Practice. Any expenditure incurred by the executive members, on behalf of the NCMG PPG, shall be reimbursed by the Practice on receipt of the appropriate receipt.
8. Dissolution
If the Committee decides at any time that on any grounds it is necessary to dissolve he Group, it shall call a Special General Meeting. If such a decision is confirmed by the simple majority of those present and voting at the meeting, the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by the group. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes for the patients of the Practice as the Committee may decide and as may be approved by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales.
9. DBS Checks
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS Police Check) are required for the NCMG PPG Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Practice Liasion and, if appointed, Treasurer.
10. Alterations to the Constitution
Any proposal to alter this constitution must be delivered in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered, and shall be advertised together with the date of the meeting. An alteration will require the approval of a two thirds majority of Committee members or a simple majority of those voting at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of such a meeting must be given in accordance with normal procedures.
No alteration to Clause 2 shall be made without the consent of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales.
This constitution was adopted as the Constitution of the NCMG PPG at a meeting of the Committee on 13th June 2023.
Committee Positions
- Chairperson – Colin Sears (signed)
- Vice Chairperson – Dave Cowdery (signed)
- Secretary – Beryl Evans (signed)
- Practice Liasion – Cheryl Cowdery (signed)
Version: June 2023
To see a scan of a signed copy of the Consituttion for the NCMG PPG, please click here.